Can be used for capturing, saving, analyzing, injecting simulation testing, and other scenarios that require a large number of CAN interfaces for the CAN/CAN-FD bus protocol of the entire vehicle
Meet a large number of CAN/CAN-FD bus interface requirements
High bandwidth data transmission
Using DB44 plug to lead out CAN interface terminal block
PCI Express Gen 3 x8
Number of CAN-FD channels
CAN-FD standard
CAN-FD arbitration ID segment baud rate
CAN-FD data segment acceleration baud rate
CAN-FD receiving capability
25700 frames per second (per channel)
CAN-FD transmission capability
25700 frames per second (per channel)
Operating system
Linux system
Support PC firmware upgrade
120 ohm terminal resistor
Jumping Hat
operation temperature
Working humidity
Linux system
Tested Linux kernel version: UBuntu16-linux4.15.0-142、UBuntu18-linux5.4.0-144、UBuntu20-linux5.15.0-67
Functional support
Standard can/canfd devices under Linux
Common operations
Sudo ip link set canX down
Sudo ip link set canX up type can bitrate 500000 sample-point 0.8 dbitrate 2000000 dsample-point 0.8 fd on restart-ms 100
Power consumption
Used for CAN/CAN-FD bus data acquisition of the entire vehicle
Used for simulating and injecting CAN/CAN-FD bus data for the entire vehicle
Hardware in the loop simulation HIL for ADAS, autonomous driving, and intelligent cockpit testing systems